A woman and man each imagine their fantastic ideas for new toy designs.
A light-up plush cat and a dragon holding multiple styles of dice represent ideas for a toy and game.
One inventor calls Excel Development, while the other follows a number on a television add to present their prospective products.
One inventor is bereft after wasting his money with the other licensor, while the one who called Excel proudly shows off her newly produced toy.

Excel Development

Global Toy Licensing

This website offers guidance on licensing your new toy or game to a toy company for a royalty payment. Based on 30 years’ experience of working with inventors and professional design groups our goal is to make money FOR our clients, and not FROM our clients! Competition in the toy industry is extremely fierce and at a minimum we require a “short” video of your working prototype, for the days of presenting a new idea in a drawing are long gone. So, when you are ready, we look forward to hearing from you under our Confidentiality Agreement, without charge or a commitment to use our agency services.
Excel Development, Global Toy Licensing
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